Urban Landscapes Design studio Q3

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Urban Landscapes Design studio Q3

The design course ’Urban Landscapes’ is part of the Master track program of the section of Landscape Architecture (LA) of the TUDelft.

The LA Master track, initiated in 2011, is a two-year track. The first year is divided in three quarters with compulsory design courses and one quarter with elective courses.

The three design courses deal with different scales, topics and intentions of the profession of LA. The first quarter ‘Architecture and Landscape’ deals with placemaking, experience and space sequencing from the doorstep, through the garden in to the landscape. The second quarter ‘Dutch Landscape’ is about understanding the biography of a landscape and the discovery of LA design possibilities on a regional scale, dealing with the elements and materialization on that scale.

The third quarter “The Urban Landscape’ deals with urban green and blue structures as an urban necessity. Both designing on the scale of the whole structure and detailed designs to show what the direct living environment will look like once this green structure is designed and constructed. In previous years Rotterdam and the Rotte were subject and were the aspects of green and blue about recreation and ecology. Nowadays the object of design is the A12 zone between Utrecht / Nieuwegein / Houten. The aspects of the green and blue design have evolved. Due to the changes in climate, energy production, extreme loss of biodiversity, food safety, the over exploiting of resources, the pressure on space in the public realm next to a severe densification task for the urban areas of the Netherlands, the assignment is evolving. The notion of the studio is that implementing a high-quality blue green ‘park’ system can actually help improving the life of both humans, flora and fauna in the urban realm. The green and blue structures get more ‘tasks’ and should be designed in a close and interdependent relationship with the built environment. This way creating new meaningful open public spaces for social interaction and cultural life. The essence of the course is to create an interdependency between the build and the green and blue public space, showing the deep understanding that both are essential to human life.

The current course coordinators are:

Ir. Frits van Loon BNT
Dr.Ir. Nico Tillie